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This is the entire series of the Gospel Prelude: Praise & Testimony, Volume 2. It contains the following hymns:
- Standing on the Promises
- Dwelling in Beulah Land
- O, Say But I'm Glad
- Heavenly Sunlight
- Redeemed
- There Shall Be Showers of Blessing
- I Know Whom I Have Believed
Our prelude series are perfect to play for a church prelude, congregational accompaniment ideas, or as a piano special! Each song can be a stand alone piano solo or a part of the prelude series. Follow ending one to complete the song, or ending two to modulate into the next hymn. Check out our volumes for intermediate pianists (volume 3-4)
This is an excellent resource for church pianists or piano teachers working to teach prelude and congregational playing as well as modulations.
Level: Advanced
This purchase allows for ONE copy. Please do not make illegal copies.